Parafrasea y traduce esto al castellano: The Snapdragon 8 Gen 3’s secret sauce gets deconstructed with the Android Police podcast

Parafrasea y traduce esto al castellano: The Snapdragon 8 Gen 3’s secret sauce gets deconstructed with the Android Police podcast

Parafrasea, extiende, elimina cualquier referencia a androidpolice, traduce al castellano y añade cabeceras

donde haga falta. El resultado debe de estar en castellano. A partir de ahora el contenido sobre el que hacer lo solicitado:

Will is at the helm for this week’s Android Police podcast, but he’s also at Qualcomm’s annual product launch press junket in Hawaii. Once again, Chris Patrick, SVP and GM of Handsets, joins us. So, what did the chipmaker bring everyone out to the islands for this year? ARM computing, artificial intelligence, mobile console gaming, and not much 5G. The agenda’s definitely a different look from previous years, so let’s get into it.

Our regular hosts are Daniel Bader, Ara Wagoner, and Will Sattelberg. Our editor is Jules Wang.

Android Police lives here. Reach out to us at [email protected]

Music – «18» and «34» by HOME licensed under CC BY 3.0

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